December 11, 2007

New Tew You Tewb

Okay, I used to post videos on brightcove but those jerks stopped offering free video uploading to the masses. Crushed by the weight of google I guess.

Anyway, I recently went to Vegas and will be posting pics and such when I get a chance but for now....this is my first youtube music recording. Covered one of my favorite blues songs...


Jocelyn said...

Very nice. My coworkers liked it also :)

MB said...

I like.....

Anonymous said...

Great job, makes me miss you guys. WHERE IS MY DAHLILA SONG AND VIDEO? I think I asked you to learn it in Sept.!!!!! I'll be watching for it! Love, Cali Aunt

Sonya said...

Cool blues song Why don't u come jam in Missouri? i see your little girl is getting big. They're alot of fun aren't they? Doesn't she have her own little guitar? Zaden has 2! Gotta start young ;) -Josh