August 22, 2009

Coen the Libwawian

So, our last post was a bit depressing. Here's a funny, cute pic of Coen to lighten things up a little! Unfortunately I only have a low resolution version on hand. I might replace it later if I remember...


Anonymous said...

Gramma loves this picture. Gramma M

Carolyn said...

That is a great picture!

candy said...

he looks like a famous owl...can't think of his name though.
so cute.

Wifey said...

Candy, is it... Owl... perchance? From Winnie the Pooh? I don't know any other owls. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's "Friend Owl" from Bambi :)

Kathy said...

This last picture leaves me laughing so hard my sides hurt!
He's soooooo cute!